Mental Health Care for Moms during Pregnancy and Postpartum

Pregnancy and giving birth to a newborn can bring to the surface a variety of intense emotions. According to data from Postpartum Support International, approximately 1 out of 7 women will experience significant anxiety and depression during pregnancy and throughout the first year postpartum.

Perinatal and Postpartum mental health disorders can happen to any woman, no matter what age, cultural, educational, religious, or socioeconomic background. The symptoms of postpartum depression and/or anxiety can start immediately after giving birth or come on suddenly weeks or months after delivery and can last for many months if left untreated. The difference is that postpartum depression goes beyond the “baby blues” or hormonal mood swings that can occur during pregnancy and after delivery.


Perinatal and postpartum anxiety and depression are not permanent and there are effective treatment.

I am experienced at providing prevention, education, screening, diagnosis, treatment and support services for improving the maternal mental health and well-being of mothers, fathers and their families. I teach women skills that they can transition into parenthood. Some of these skills include creating a healthy attachment to baby, adjusting to personal and life changes, grieving the losses associated with becoming a parent, establishing healthy ways to communicate appropriately with other children in the home about lifestyle changes which include mom’s behavior and emotions.

If you feel you may be suffering from one of these perinatal or postpartum mental health disorders, it is important for you to know that “you are not the cause”. Seeking help does not mean that you cannot handle motherhood.

“You are not alone. With a little help you will get through this!” Please contact me now.
(209) 834-4302
Fax: 209-225-2260

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