Online Therapy in California


I am a Licensed Psychologist in the state of California. My practice originated in California and I have been providing mental health care across the Bay Area for over 10 years.

Based on the available research and the positive therapeutic outcomes that I have seen with my own clients, online therapy is just as effective as in-person. Additionally, telehealth has made mental health treatment more accessible for many clients. Telehealth allows anyone to access therapy anytime using their phone, desktop, laptop or other electronic devices connected to the internet.

I am proud to be able to continue to provide mental health care to Californians.

I  accept Aetna, BS of CA and Lyra benefits plan.

 I look forward to the potential of working with you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
(209) 834-4302
Fax: 209-225-2260

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