
Thank you for taking the time to learn about psychotherapy and how I can help you. Psychotherapy is not easily described in general statements. It varies depending on the psychologist’s treatment approach, and the particular problems that you bring forward as a client.

There are many different therapeutic interventions that may I use to help you address the concerns that you bring to therapy. During my years in practice, I found that it is important to acquire a flexible approach to therapy because not every client will respond to the same intervention. Every session is different and every client’s journey and path to get to their treatment goal will also vary. Therapy with me is a collaborative process, that requires the both of us to be actively engaged. I do not just listen to what you have to say, I provide interactive feedback.

I see a broad spectrum of clients in individual therapy including children, adolescents, adults and families. I incorporate family therapy when appropriate. I specialize in helping clients build skills to better manage, cope and overcome anxiety, depression, postraumatic stress disorder, chronic pain and grief. I help my clients regain a sense of control and empowerment so that they can engage and enjoy life more.

You do not have to have major problems to come to therapy. And, “no, therapy is not for crazy people!”. Therapy can benefit anyone. Therapy is a safe and confidential space for you to talk openly about your emotions, thoughts, experiences, relationships, stressful life situations, and anything that is bothering you, without the fear of judgment or worry that you will hurt, burden or stress anyone with what you have to say.

If you would like to find out a little more about how you may benefit from coming to therapy, please call me on (209) 834 4302 or email me at cspeed@drspeedincpsychotherapy.com to schedule an appointment or a 15 minute free phone consultation.


Every small step you take, adds up and over time contribute to the big change that you may be seeking for your life. Making the decision to seek help is a first step towards that journey.

I look forward to the potential of working with you in the future and being part of your growth and healing process.

(209) 834-4302
Fax: 209-225-2260

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