
Grief is a natural response to loss. Grief comes in many shapes and sizes and can result from multiple kinds of losses including the death of a loved one, and/or other significant physical and symbolic losses such as a debilitating diagnosis or disability, relationship breakups, divorce, loss of employment, and many other life altering changes.

In most cases, most people are able to work through their grief, adjust and adapt to loss without the need for grief counseling. However, sometimes the healing process can become halted by multiple factors, which interferes with a person’s ability to accept the reality of the loss, and find future meaning, purpose and joy in their life again.

Grief is a continuing process, not a state. It will come and go and reappear at different times.


Unresolved or unprocessed grief can present a host of emotional, mental and physical distress including physical aches and pains lacking medical cause, chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. This often leads to complicated grief. Complicated grief occurs when a person’s life becomes dominated by persistent and unrelenting intense yearnings, longings, feelings of emptiness and sadness, and preoccupation with irrational thoughts about loss. It also makes it difficult for them to function or imagine a future, a life purpose, or have hope that life will get better.

Recovery and healing is possible. I help bereaved individuals and families process the difficult, intense, and confusing emotions that keeps them stuck. I teach them what is necessary to promote appropriate grief resolution and recover optimally.

You do not have to carry your grief and losses alone. Please contact me today.
(209) 834-4302
Fax: 209-225-2260

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